The Foundation of the Gospel
Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel Scripture: Romans 1:1–7
I. Authorship of the letter – Paul
A. A servant of Christ 1
B. Called to be an Apostle 1
C. Set apart for the Gospel 1
II. Recipients of the letter – those in Rome
A. Loved by God 7
B. Called to be saints 7
III. Place/Date of the letter
A. Corinth
B. 57-58 AD – near end of 3rd Missionary Journey
IV. Purposes of the letter.
A. Announce plans to visit
B. Settle the Jew/Gentile conflict
C. Present a complete and detailed statement of the Gospel.
V. Theme of the letter – the Gospel
A. A righteousness that we do not have.
B. A righteousness that God possesses.
C. A righteousness that God gives.
VI. The Foundation of the Gospel – v. 2-6
A. Promised in the Old Testament
B. Centered in Jesus
1. The perfect man
2. The perfect God
C. Demands obedient response
other sermons in this series
Nov 11
Not Ashamed of the Gospel
Scripture: Romans 15:14– 16:27 Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel
Oct 28
Living the Gospel Freely -- Acceptable to God, Approved by Men
Scripture: Romans 14:1– 15:13 Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel
Oct 21
Living the Gospel -- Right Responses to Authority
Scripture: Romans 13:1–14 Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel