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Seven Lessons from One Storm

November 24, 2013 Pastor: Dr. Wayne Vanderwier

Scripture: Matthew 14:22–14:33

1. Learn God's lessons of!
If you don't learn God's lessons of faith in the light, you may have to learn them in the storm.
2. Rest in the watchful care of Jesus.
Even when you don't see Him, Jesus is watching and caring for you.
3. When you walk in fear, you imagine things that aren't real.
Terrified of circumstances. The opposite of fear is faith.
4. When you walk by faith you attempt things that seem impossible.
5. When God puts it in your heart to attempt the impossible, keep your eyes on Jesus. Peter was focused on Jesus.
6. Finish well in your walk of faith. Peter got within arms length of Jesus and then lost sight! There is no retirement age for pursuing Christ.
7. God is still in the miracle-working business.
Jesus picked him up and then they returned to the boat. Jesus' kindness to you prompts worship in others.
Where's your focus today?