May 17, 2009

What's In A Name? pt5

Series: The Names of God

Introduction: The purpose and selection of names
In the O.T. a name was often associated with a person’s character or personal quality.
The most common names for the one, true Deity were:
Elohim = GOD
Jehovah = LORD
Adonai = Lord
Information: JEHOVAH - ROPHE
• Used ______________ times in the O.T.

• Root meaning of the word:

“_____________________”, “____________________”

“_____________________”, or “__________________”

Thus His NAME means,
The “I AM” who ____________________.

Revelation: Exodus 15:22-27
Journey to MARAH = ______________________
ISRAEL: Despondent to ____________________, to frightened, to ________________ _________________ to finding at Marah ___________________________.
MOSES: 80 years to dialogue with the “____________”, to the Red Sea to ___________________ to finding at Marah a ________________________________________________.
JEHOVAH-ROPHE: Covenant - Nation –
_______________ / _________________ / ________________
• With obedience comes _____________________, not ______________________________.

• Disease, sickness, death are all a part of living in a ___________ _____________.

• God’s people should be most ___________ when He is most ____________________.

• The faithful promise of Jehovah-rophe is to bring ____________ ______________ to the soul.

other sermons in this series