Hope in the Darkness, Obadiah
Speaker: Don Whipple Series: Minor Prophets/Hope in the Darkness Scripture: Obadiah 1:1–21
Do you ever struggle with the fact that the fate of our lives, freedoms, environment, economy, and safety rests in the hands of the nations of this world and their leaders?
You should struggle.
It doesn’t rest there.
Be encouraged by the prophet Obadiah. He speaks for God against the nations of his day and encourages the people of God of all ages to hang in there . . . God is in control and will win!
Obadiah’s description of God’s plan for the nations includes:
other sermons in this series
Nov 13
Victory in Jesus, Week Ten
Speaker: Don Whipple Scripture: Revelation 17:1– 19:10 Series: Minor Prophets/Hope in the Darkness
Nov 6
Victory in Jesus, Week Nine
Speaker: Don Whipple Scripture: Revelation 15:1– 16:21 Series: Minor Prophets/Hope in the Darkness
Oct 30
Hope in the Darkness/Malachi
Speaker: Don Whipple Scripture: Malachi 1:1– 4:6 Series: Minor Prophets/Hope in the Darkness