Give Thanks! Week Two
Speaker: Don Whipple Series: Give Thanks! Scripture: Psalm 107:1–32
We tend to talk about a lot of stuff. Of all the stuff we talk about many of us would agree that we do not talk enough about the Lord. In 107, the Psalmist gets to the point quickly. He encourages and instructs us to speak up - Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! Say what? What is it that the redeemed are supposed to say? We are instructed to tell the story of how God redeemed us by his great love. It is a story that needs telling.
other sermons in this series
Dec 5
Give Thanks, Week Four
Speaker: Matthew Dodd Scripture: Psalm 22:1–31 Series: Give Thanks!
Nov 28
Give Thanks, Week Three
Speaker: Matthew Dodd Scripture: Psalm 95:1–11 Series: Give Thanks!