Living the Gospel -- Right Responses
Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel Scripture: Romans 12:14–21
Condemnation 1:18-3:20
Justification 3:21-5:21
Sanctification 6:1-8:39
I. A supernatural response. 14, 17
A. Bless those who persecute you.
B. Do not curse those who persecute you.
C. Do not get even with those who persecute you.
D. Seek to honor those who persecute you.
II. A sincere response. 15-16
A. Rejoice with those who rejoice.
B. Weep with those who weep.
C. Think in harmony with one another.
III. A sustained response. 18
A. Live peaceably with all.
B. Do all you can to live peaceably with all.
IV. A serene response. 19-21
A. Rest in what God has promised to do.
B. Respond supernaturally
Next Steps:
- Right responses depend on humble submission!
- Right responses demand a simple obedience!
- Right responses develop into consistent action!
other sermons in this series
Nov 11
Not Ashamed of the Gospel
Scripture: Romans 15:14– 16:27 Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel
Oct 28
Living the Gospel Freely -- Acceptable to God, Approved by Men
Scripture: Romans 14:1– 15:13 Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel
Oct 21
Living the Gospel -- Right Responses to Authority
Scripture: Romans 13:1–14 Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel