The Heart of the Matter
Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel Scripture: Romans 3:21–31
Condemnation 1:18-3:20
Justification 3:21-5:21
Sanctification 6:1-8:39
Key words defined:
Justification – to be declared righteous
Propitiation – satisfying sacrifice
Redemption – ransom payment
I. What we need, and must have!
Perfect, righteousness.
II. How is it provided? By what means?
III. Who is the provider?
A. Jesus, the Just Justifier
B. Jesus, the Redeemer
C. Jesus, the Propitiator
Next Steps:
> Where is boasting? It is all of God.
> By what kind of law? It is by faith alone.
> Is God the God of the Jews only? Is He not the God of Gentiles also?
We stand on equal ground at the foot of the cross.
> Do we then overthrow the law by this faith?
The unifying theme of the Bible points to Jesus.
other sermons in this series
Nov 11
Not Ashamed of the Gospel
Scripture: Romans 15:14– 16:27 Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel
Oct 28
Living the Gospel Freely -- Acceptable to God, Approved by Men
Scripture: Romans 14:1– 15:13 Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel
Oct 21
Living the Gospel -- Right Responses to Authority
Scripture: Romans 13:1–14 Series: Romans: Unashamed of the Gospel