Reformation Stories: “After darkness, light.”
Martin Luther
John Calvin
Helpful definitions:
Justification: to declare righteous, holy, right
Sanctification: to be set apart from sin, to God
Imputation: the judicial crediting to one’s account
Redemption: to ransom, buy back, to set free, liberate
Propitiation: satisfying sacrifice, God’s wrath is satisfied
“Justified before God!”
I. We are NOT justified by works. 20
II. We are justified apart from the Law. 21
III. We are justified by faith in Christ alone. 22
IV. We are justified by grace alone. 24
V. We are justified by Christ’s sacrifice. 25
VI. We are justified by the Just Justifier. 26
Here we stand . . .
In grace alone! Through faith alone! In Christ alone!
Does sola fide still matter?
Yes – it reminds me that my standing and acceptance before God is entirely of the Lord!
Yes – it reminds me that my stand must be on the foundation of the Holy Word of God!
Yes – it reminds me that my stand is in the cherished hope in Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith!
other sermons in this series
Oct 29
Soli Deo Gloria
Speaker: Tom Hopewell Scripture: Psalm 24:1–10 Series: The Five Solas
Oct 22
Solus Christus
Speaker: Tom Hopewell Scripture: Colossians 1:15–20 Series: The Five Solas
Oct 8
Sola Gratia
Speaker: Tom Hopewell Scripture: Ephesians 2:1–10 Series: The Five Solas