Sola Gratia
Speaker: Tom Hopewell Series: The Five Solas Scripture: Ephesians 2:1–10
Reformation Stories:
Ulrich Zwingli
William Tyndale
I. Our natural condition – Dead! 1-3
A. Under condemnation.
B. Under bondage.
C. Under wrath.
A brief overview of the theological debate regarding the depravity of man’s heart.
Augustine vs. Pelagius
II. Our supernatural position – Alive! 4-10
A. Made alive together with Christ.
B. Raised to life with Christ.
C. Seated us with Christ in Heaven.
Here we stand . . .
~ In grace alone!
~ Through faith alone!
~ In Christ alone!
10 Characteristics of a Sola Gratia Church:
A Sola Gratia Church takes sin seriously!
A Sola Gratia Church takes Christ seriously!
A Sola Gratia Church takes God’s work in salvation seriously!
A Sola Gratia Church takes assurance seriously!
A Sola Gratia Church takes the gathering of the church seriously!
A Sola Gratia Church takes the Bible seriously!
A Sola Gratia Church takes preaching seriously!
A Sola Gratia Church takes baptism seriously!
A Sola Gratia Church takes the Lord’s Supper seriously!
A Sola Gratia Church takes prayer seriously!
(taken from Grace Alone – Salvation as a Gift of God by Carl Trueman)
other sermons in this series
Oct 29
Soli Deo Gloria
Speaker: Tom Hopewell Scripture: Psalm 24:1–10 Series: The Five Solas
Oct 22
Solus Christus
Speaker: Tom Hopewell Scripture: Colossians 1:15–20 Series: The Five Solas
Oct 16
Sola Fide
Speaker: Tom Hopewell Scripture: Romans 3:21–26 Series: The Five Solas