Father's Day: The Responsibilities of a Godly Father
Scripture: Ephesians 5:25– 6:4
I. The responsibilities of a Godly father
A. Love your wife
1. A sacrificial love
2. A sanctifying love
3. A satisfying love
4. A sustaining love
B. Teach your children
1. Must not provoke them
2. Must nurture them
3. Must discipline & instruct
4. Must admonish them
II. The Responses to a Godly Father
A. Wives - Reverent Complement
B. Children - obey & honor - WHY?
1. Because it is right
2. Because it is commanded
3. Because it brings blessing (obedient means to "listen under")
Next Steps:
> Live a God-centered life
> Pray
> Love & cherish the Word of God
> Living example of faith
> Enjoy living
> Be humble & repentant about sin
> Commit to worship together as a family
> Consistently live a holy & godly life
> Be open in expressing your love to your family
> Finish well - with a confident gaze to Heaven