April 10, 2016

Bear with One Another, and Speak truth with One Another

Series: One Another Scripture: Ephesians 4:1–25

I. The urgency of unity (1-16; 3:8-10)
     A. A worthy (equal weight) calling. How then do we fulfill our calling?
     B. A Spirit-filled control. Covered with humility, gentleness, and kindness. Look to 5:18, and be under the control of the Spirit of God to produce what is right. We can't produce the things of the Spirit without the Spirit (Galatians 5).
     C. A grace-gifted church. To the goal of verse 16!
II. The necessity of newness (17-25)
The person who says they believe in God must live in a way that shows that they believe in God.
     A. Must put off the old self.
     B. Must put on the new self.
     C. The priority of speaking truth (Acts 5 - they lied to God) when we lie, we are speaking the devil's language.

Next Steps:
     > Since unity is urgent, in what ways to I bear with one another in love? John Piper quote.
     > Since a new life is a must, in what ways do I speak truth with one another?

other sermons in this series

May 29


May 22


Stir Up One Another

Scripture: Hebrews 10:24 Series: One Another