April 3, 2016

Serve One Another, and Bear One Another's Burdens

Series: One Another Scripture: Galatians 5:13– 6:5

I. Understanding the words
     A. "doulueo" - 1 Thessalonians 1:9
     B. "bastazo" - bear, to carry, not to take over, but to work along side of.
II. Understanding the book
     A. Galatians 5:13 - beginning with the gospel alone, justified by faith then to chapter five that is full of practical stuff. Don't swing the pendulum too far, don't abuse freedom. Rather in love serve one another.
     B. Galatians 6:2 - restore, brother is in sin and we are to help him get out of it. Don't tell anyone and help that person get out of sin.
III. Understanding the meaning
What did the believers in Galatia know about...
     A. Being a slave, don't be a slave to sin, but a slave to one another.
     B. Being a burden-bearer
Next Steps: Fulfill the Law of Christ!
     > My motivation for serving others and bearing their burdens is to see their lives are filled with the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, be resolved.
     > I will serve others by caring about what happens to them as much as I care about what happens to me (physical blessings, spiritual blessings, etc)
Self --> others
     > I will be alert to the heavy burdens of my brothers and sisters in Christ and quickly and appropriately respond to their need (Piper quote). Not arrogantly
     WHAT IS THEIR GREATEST NEED? Their greatest need is for their sin to be cared for. Remedied in Christ, forgiven and restored by God.

other sermons in this series

May 29


May 22


Stir Up One Another

Scripture: Hebrews 10:24 Series: One Another