End Time, Exile Living
Speaker: Tom Hopewell Series: 1 Peter: Exiled Faith Scripture: 1 Peter 4:7–19
I. Pray (7)
A watchful pursuit of holiness. Looking forward to His return and His glorification.
Hoping in Him leads to a holy life.
A. Self-controlled
B. Sober-minded
II. Love one another (8-9)
A. Earnestly
B. Graciously - love covers but doesn't condone
C. Hospitably - open your home and yourself to others
III. Glorify God (11b)
Using the gifts of speaking and serving for others.
IV. Rejoice in Suffering (12-19)
Not "if" but "when" it comes upon you.
A. Expect it
1. It is not a surprise
2. It is a part of God's plan to accomplish His purposes - for the Just and the unjust.
B. Evidence it
1. The union with Christ - share in Christ's sufferings
2. The indwelling of the Spirit of God
C. Employ it
1. As a mans to rejoice and be glad
2. As a means to glorify God
D. Evade it - don't suffer for the wrong reasons
Next Steps:
> Trust God and Carry On
other sermons in this series
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End-Time Exile Encouragement
Speaker: Tom Hopewell Scripture: 1 Peter 5:6–14 Series: 1 Peter: Exiled Faith
Dec 6
End Time, Exile Leading
Speaker: Tom Hopewell Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1–5 Series: 1 Peter: Exiled Faith
Nov 22
The Triumphant Work of Christ on the Cross
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