What We Believe: Priesthood of the Believer
Series: What We Believe Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1–2:12
We believe in the priesthood of all believers; that Chirst is our Great High Priest and through Him every born again person has direct access into God's presence without the need of a human priest; that the believer has the right and responsibility to personally study and interpret the Scriptures, guided by the Holy Spirit.
Bethel Bible Church Constitution - Article III - Statement of Faith - Section 10
A Worthy Calling
1 Peter 2:1-12
I. The Worthy High Priest
A. The Living Stone
B. The Chosen One
C. The Cornerstone
D. The Stumbling Stone
II. The Worthy Priesthood
A. Living Stones
B. Spiritual House
C. Holy Priests
D. Chosen People
E. Royal Priests
F. Set apart to Christ
Next Steps:
> Offer spiritual sacrifices.
Romans 12:2 - your body is a spiritual sacrifice
Hebrews 13:15 - your lips are a spiritual sacrifice
Philippians 4:18 - your money and material things
Romans 15:16 - your pointing of people to Christ
> Proclaim the wonders of the Gospel (1 Peter 2:9)
> Live free as a slave (1 Peter 2:13-17)
other sermons in this series
May 3
What We Believe: Church Ordinances
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:17–11:34 Series: What We Believe
Apr 26
What We Believe: Ecclesiology
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Apr 12
What We Believe: Eternal State of Man
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