February 8, 2015

What We Believe: Anthropology

Series: What We Believe Scripture: Ephesians 2:1–2:10

"We believe that all men are by nature and choice, sinful and lost,
and have within themselves no possible means of salvation."
Bethel Bible Church Constitution - Article III - Statement of Faith - Section 5

Ephesians 2:1-10
I. Mankind is created. (Genesis 1:1, 26-27; Hebrews 11:3; 1 Corinthians 15:42-49)
     The material: physical bodies are the abode of men's souls
II. Mankind is created in God's image. (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7, 15-25)
     The immaterial: intellect, emotion, will, a living soul, an eternal soul. John Piper quote.
III. Mankind disobeyed God and sinned. (Genesis 3; Colossians 3:5-10)
IV. Mankind bears the consequences of sin.
     Death - physical & spiritual (Ephesians 2:1-3)
     Depravity of sinful flesh (Romans 1:18; 3:10-20)

Next Steps:
How do you answer these questions formulates your worldview!
     > Where did I come from? (Origin...was it chance or design?)
     > How do I separate good from evil? (Morality...God tells us in His Word)
     > Why am I here? (Purpose/Meaning...Am I here for me or for the living God?)
     > What is going to happen to me when I die? (Destiny...where will I spend forever?)
Is your worldview centered on yourself or on God?

other sermons in this series

May 3


What We Believe: Church Ordinances

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:17–11:34 Series: What We Believe

Apr 26


What We Believe: Ecclesiology

Scripture: Ephesians 3:1–3:13 Series: What We Believe

Apr 19


What We Believe: Priesthood of the Believer

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1–2:12 Series: What We Believe