What We Believe: Theology Proper
Series: What We Believe Scripture: Ephesians 1:3–1:14
Ephesians 1:3-14
"We believe the is one God eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Bethel Bible Church Constitution - Article III - Statement of Faith - Section 2
Various World Systems beliefs about God:
Polytheism - many gods
Pantheism - everything is god
Deism - impersonal god
Agnosticism - unknowable god
Atheism - no god
I. The Unity of God
Deuteronomy 6:4 - Monotheism
II. The Plurality of God
Genesis 1:26; 11:7 - Elohim
III. The Triunity of God
OT: Isaiah 42:1
NT: Matthew 28:19; Matthew 3:16-17; Ephesians 1:3-14
IV. The Personhood of God
Dr. Wayne Grudem: "In one sense the doctrine of the Trinity is a mystery that we will never be able to understand fully. However, if we can understand something of its truth by summarizing the teaching of Scripture in three statements:
1. God is three persons.
2. There is one God.
3. Each person is fully God
IV. The Personhood of God
Co-divine =
One Essence
The first person of the Triunity = The Father
Next Steps:
> Maintain the tension of your faith!
> Maintain the heart of Job! (Job 38-42)
other sermons in this series
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