Acceptable Worship
Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul! Scripture: Hebrews 13:1–13:9
Acceptable worship and right theology about the character of God will be demonstrated in right relationships...
I. With others (1-3)
A. Brotherly Love (1)
B. Benevolent Hospitality (2) (cf. Genesis 18; 1 Peter 4:8-9)
C. Bold Compassion (3)
1. Those imprisoned
2. Those mistreated
II. With your heart (4-6)
A. Honoring Marriage (4)
B. Handling Money (5-6) (you can't love money and love God) (contentment should rest in God alone)
III. With Leadership (7-9)
A. Remember earthly leaders (7)
B. Reverence Christ (8)
C. Reject the False (9)
false leaders...many diverse teachings, emphasize externals (Colossians 2), produce no effectual spiritual results. Keep your eyes on Christ and be discerning
Next Steps:
Matthew 22:34-40
The order is significant...
> Love God
> Love Others
> Keep on standing firm in Grace
Listen to the conclusion of Acceptable Worship HERE!
other sermons in this series
Nov 30
Worship through the Reading & Hearing of God's Word
Scripture: Hebrews 1:1–13:25 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!
Nov 23
Parting Words
Scripture: Hebrews 13:17–13:25 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!
Nov 16
A Royal Priesthood
Scripture: Hebrews 13:10–13:16 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!