October 5, 2014

Amazing Faith

Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul! Scripture: Hebrews 11:29–11:31

I. By faith, when all is IMPOSSIBLE (29; Exodus 14)
     A. Faith in spite of situations. (Exodus 14:1-4)
     B. Faith in spite of scare (Exodus 14:10-22)
The writer of Hebrews commends their faith not on the journey out, or when they freaked out by pursuers, but because they crossed the Red Sea.
Is there a 40 year gap between verses 29 and 30? No, if we look back at chapters 2 and 3 we see that Israel was wandering in the wilderness because of their lack of faith. 
II. By faith, when all is ILLOGICAL (30; Joshua 6)
     A. Faith in the promises of God (Joshua 6:1-7)
     B. Faith in the person of God (Joshua 5:13-15)
III. By faith, when one is IMPERFECT (31; Joshua 2 & 6)
     A. Faith in God's sovereign providence (Joshua 2:8-14)
     B. Faith in God's sovereign provision
The focus isn't on these people, but on the One who is greater!

Next Steps:
     > In the impossible - see the Glory of God (Exodus 14:4,18; Deuternomy 28:9-10; 1 Corinthians 10:31)
     > In the illogical - see the Greatness of God
     > In the imperfect - see the Grace of God (she is brought into God's people and becomes an ancestor of Christ!!)

other sermons in this series

Nov 23


Parting Words

Scripture: Hebrews 13:17–13:25 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!

Nov 16


A Royal Priesthood

Scripture: Hebrews 13:10–13:16 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!