September 14, 2014

The Enigma of Faith

Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul! Scripture: Hebrews 11:8–11:19

The definition of faith is mystery.
I. By faith - not knowing where! (8-10)
     A. Active faith
     B. Anticipating faith
II. By faith - not knowing how! (11-12; Genesis 12:1-4, 15:1-6; James 2:23; Genesis 17)
     A. Humbled faith
     B. Honoring faith (Romans 4:13-25)
III. By faith - not knowing when! (13-16)
     A. Steadfast faith (Hebrews 3:6,14; 6:11-12; 10:32-36)
     B. Striving faith (14-16)
IV. By faith - not knowing why (17-19)
     A. Examined faith (tested - trying to learn the nature of something)
     B. Esteeming faith (Abramham believed God was able)

Next Steps:
Be reminded that...
     > Not knowing reminds us that God is so much OTHER than us!
     > Not knowing reminds us of God's grace
     > Not knowing points us to the One who does know!

All I Have is Christ!

other sermons in this series

Nov 23


Parting Words

Scripture: Hebrews 13:17–13:25 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!

Nov 16


A Royal Priesthood

Scripture: Hebrews 13:10–13:16 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!