August 24, 2014

Faith that pleases God!

Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul! Scripture: Hebrews 11:1–11:4

What is 'Faith'?
There are a wide variety of definitions. By starting with the wrong definition of faith you end up with the wrong conclusion.

You believe the truth and then you live the truth. There is saving faith and there is also living faith.

I. Definition of faith: to believe, to trust, to rely upon, confidence. Faith is knowing for sure the person you are talking to exists and is trustworthy. Isaiah 45. Come, believe, and follow the light of the he world.
II. Description of faith
     A. Confidence (know, hope, see)
     B. Conviction (proof, verified evidence) (1 Peter 1:8-9)
III. Demonstration of faith
     A. Examples (people of the Old Testament)
     B. Proven (martyr, gives testimony by standing for something)
IV. Discernment of faith
     A. Existence of God
     B. Omnipotence of God
V. Dichotomy of faith
     A. The way of Cain (the first evidence of sin was murder) (pride & disobedience are not accepted by God) (self-serving)
     B. The way of Abel (obedience)

Next Steps:
     > Learn from the past! (David Brainerd, John Huss, George Whitfield, your family members)
     > Live in the present! Galatians 2:20
     > Long for the future!

other sermons in this series

Nov 23


Parting Words

Scripture: Hebrews 13:17–13:25 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!

Nov 16


A Royal Priesthood

Scripture: Hebrews 13:10–13:16 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!