August 17, 2014

Be Alarmed - and Be Assured!

Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul! Scripture: Hebrews 10:26–10:39

If you can't deal with the forecast, do you throw the barometer away?

I. A Sobering Alarm (26-31)
     A. Recipients of the alarm (believers-those who have experienced the grace of Christ)
     B. Reasons for the alarm
          1. Insistence (you can't say you know God and live in a way that shows you don't)
          2. Intention (to willingly sin in the better face of knowledge-church people, Judas)
     C. Results of not responding to the alarm
          1. No sacrifice for sins (you miss that and you miss everything!) 2 Corinthians 5:21
          2. Fearful expectation of judgement (Zephaniah 1:18)
          3. Consuming fire of God's wrath
BE ALARMED, our only hope is Jesus!! Kent Hughes on Edwards' sermon, Sinners in the Hand of an angry God. Edwards was humble and read his sermons. He gave his people a whiff of these sulfur a of hell so that they might enjoy the aromas of heaven.

II. A strengthening reassurance (32-39)
     A. Bring to mind the past (32-34)
          1. Your conversion
          2. Your courage (hard struggle = athelete)
          3. Your compassion (you identify with them, Romans 12:15)
          4. Your conviction (joyfully accept being robbed for the Gospel)
      B. Hold fast to the present (35) (you are being shepherded through the valley of the shadow of death)
     C. Obediently anticipate the future (36-39)
          1. With patience
          2. With faith
          3. With effort (preserve = work out your salvation)
Next Steps:
     > Alarmed? Humbly respond in FAITH! They that know themselves cannot be proud.
     > Assured? Preseveringly grow in FAITH!

other sermons in this series

Nov 23


Parting Words

Scripture: Hebrews 13:17–13:25 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!

Nov 16


A Royal Priesthood

Scripture: Hebrews 13:10–13:16 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!