A Sobering Warning!
Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul! Scripture: Hebrews 5:11–6:20
Jesus is... our source of salvation...a high priest after the order of Melchizedek...
Our passage is an interlude and includes some hard sayings.
I. Calling Out Spiritual Immaturity (11-14)
A. The Crisis (slow to hearing, need to be taught again, the plain things are the main things)
B. The Cause (milk not solid food, no such thing as a static Christian... Either climbing or falling)
C. The Cure (solid food, constant practice, the powers of discernment are trained, to know good from evil, grow up in Christ, applying God's Word to the situations that we face daily, a Biblical worldview)
II. Calling to Spiritual Maturity
A. Make Change (1-3) (Areas to know about: Soteriology, Pneumatology, Eschatology) We ought to d rop everything and tend to our souls
B. Make Certain (4-6) illustrated in 7-8; Matthew 13 - parable of the sower. Consider Judas
C. Make Clear (9-12) Spiritual Authenticity
III. Confirmation of Spiritual Security
A. The Person of God
B. The Purpose of God
C. The Pledge of God
D. The Priest of God
Next Steps:
• Soberly Look Inward
• Seriously Look Around (imitating, following, listening)
• Steadfastly Look Above
other sermons in this series
Nov 30
Worship through the Reading & Hearing of God's Word
Scripture: Hebrews 1:1–13:25 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!
Nov 23
Parting Words
Scripture: Hebrews 13:17–13:25 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!
Nov 16
A Royal Priesthood
Scripture: Hebrews 13:10–13:16 Series: Jesus...the anchor of our soul!