What Do You Pray About in the Midst of Darkness?
Series: Lamentations Scripture: Lamentations 5:1–5:22
God's City -> God's Wrath -> God's Faithfulness -> The Grief & Pain of Sin -> In Adversity: PRAY!!
I. Remember! (1-18)
A. Our Situation
1. The homeless (2)
2. The fatherless (3)
3. The hungry (4,6,9,10)
4. The shamed (7)
5. The persecuted (5,8)
B. Our Suffering
1. The women
2. The nobles (12)
3. The men (13-14)
C. Our Spirits
1. The brokenhearted
2. The humbled (17-18)
II. Restore! (19-21a)
A. Your People
B. Through Your Mercy
III. Renew! (21b-22)
A. Your Glory
B. Through Your Steadfast Love
Next Steps:
>The Hope in the Midst of Darkness is to honestly express our heart to God (1 Peter 5:7).
>The Hope in the Midst of Darkness is to humbly repent & to trust God (1 Peter 5:6).
>The Hope in the Midst of Darkness is to hold to the very character & nature of God!
other sermons in this series
Nov 17
Identifying the Realities of Sin!
Scripture: Lamentations 4:1–4:22 Series: Lamentations
Nov 10
The Unending Faithfulness of a Loving God!
Scripture: Lamentations 3:1–3:66 Series: Lamentations
Nov 3
The Righteous Anger of a Loving God!
Scripture: Lamentations 2:1–2:22 Series: Lamentations