I. The Cause of the World System
A. Satan, but it is not Satan Related, but distinct
B. Satan rules over it (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11)
II. The Character of the World System
A. Beginning in the beginning – Gen. 3
B. Seen in Cain’s civilization – Gen. 4:16-24
1. Cities v. 17
2. Commerce v. 20
3. Music v. 21
4. Skilled trades/education v. 22
5. Poetry v. 23
III. The Composition of the World System
A. It is not: the physical earth
B. It is:
• People, created in God’s image
• People, with sinful natures
• Things, that image-bearing, sinful people produce
Next Steps:
Constantly expose your mind to the truth of God’s Word about the world.
Allow God’s Word to disclose what you love.
Obey God’s Word in how we treat one another in the Body of Christ.
other sermons in this series
Jun 9
Responding to Our Enemies: Enemy #3" The Flesh
Scripture: Romans 7:4–8:17 Series: Spiritual Warfare
Jun 2
Responding to Our Enemies: Enemy #2" The World
Scripture: 1 John 2:15–2:17 Series: Spiritual Warfare
May 26
Responding to Our Enemies: Enemy #1 - Satan pt2
Scripture: Ephesians 6:10–6:20 Series: Spiritual Warfare