How Not to Grieve the Holy Spirit of God!
Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 42–47
Introduction –
• The Remarkable Sovereign – Gen. 42
The First Journey to Egypt
A. The Motive
B. The Meeting
C. The Method
• The Revealed Sibling – Gen. 43-45:20
The Second Journey to Egypt
A. The Method
B. The Meeting
C. The Mandate
• The Reunited Son – Gen. 45:21-47:31
The Final Journey to Egypt
A. The Confirmation
B. The Celebration
C. The Comfort
Next Steps:
• Have you understood the forgiveness of God?
• Have you obeyed the forgiveness of one another?
• Do your words and attitudes reflect the grace of forgiveness?
other sermons in this series
Dec 2
God Meant it for Good
Scripture: Genesis 48–50 Series: Genesis
Nov 18
The Blessing and Favor of God
Scripture: Genesis 39–41 Series: Genesis
Nov 11
Joseph, the dreamer
Scripture: Genesis 37–38 Series: Genesis