I. Is Expressive v. 13
A. To pray
B. To sing
II. Is Submissive v. 14,15
A. To the will of the Lord
B. To the leadership of the church
III. Is Relational v. 16a
A. Confess sins to one another
B. Pray for one another
IV. Is Obedient v. 16b-18
A. A righteous character
B. An energetic prayer life
V. Is Involved v. 19-20
A. Actively
B. Compassionately
Use these questions as means of personal reflection
in your life as you review the book of James:
1. Am I becoming more and more patient in the testings of life?
2. Do I play with temptation or resist it from the start?
3. Do I find joy in obeying the Word of God, or do I merely study it and learn it?
4. Are there any prejudices that shackle me?
5. Am I able to control my tongue?
6. Am I a peacemaker rather than a troublemaker?
Do people come to me for spiritual wisdom?
7. Am I a friend of God or a friend of the world?
8. Do I make plans without considering the will of God?
9. Am I selfish when it comes to money?
Am I unfaithful in the paying of my bills?
10. Do I naturally depend on prayer when I find myself
in some kind of trouble?
11. Am I the kind of person others seek for prayer support?
12. What is my attitude toward the wandering brother?
Do I criticize and gossip, or do I seek to restore him in love?
Don’t just grow old—grow up! ~Warren Wiersbe~
other sermons in this series
Jul 22
Lessons at the door!
Scripture: James 5:7–5:12 Series: The Book of James
Jul 15
What Is Your Life?
Scripture: James 4:13–5:6 Series: The Book of James
Jul 8
Warnings Against Worldliness
Speaker: Scott Tiede Scripture: James 4:1–4:12 Series: The Book of James