I. The Premise about the Tongue v. 1,2 Control of our words is evidence of our spiritual maturity.
II. The Portraits of the Tongue v. 3-8, 11-12
1. The bit
2. The rudder Lesson: though small, it controls much
3. The fire
4. The venomous animal Lesson: though small, it impacts much
5. The spring
6. The fig tree Lesson: though small, it exposes much
III. The Product of the Tongue v. 9,10 What comes out of my mouth indicates who is in control of my heart. Mark 7
Next Steps:
Daily I need to be reminded that faith that works begins in my heart and mind. So, how can I be reminded of this every day? If I have been saved by grace then …
God is my greatest joy.
The Word (living & written) is my greatest thought.
The Spirit is my greatest control.
Start making these 12 words a regular part of your vocabulary. Please. Thank you. Forgive me. I love you. I’m praying for you. (Psalm 19:14 & Philippians 4:8)
other sermons in this series
Jul 29
Faith that works...
Scripture: James 5:13–5:20 Series: The Book of James
Jul 22
Lessons at the door!
Scripture: James 5:7–5:12 Series: The Book of James
Jul 15
What Is Your Life?
Scripture: James 4:13–5:6 Series: The Book of James