April 3, 2011

The Olive Press

Speaker: Tom Hopewell Series: Be Certain: The Gospel According to Luke Scripture: Luke 22:39–65


• ________________________ to the Father’s will v. 39-46

• ______________________ to the Betrayer’s kiss v. 47-53

• _______________________the Disciple’s heart v. 54-62

• ________________________ to the brutal captors v. 63-65

Next Steps:
• With whom do you __________________ most in this account?

A __________________________ Disciple?

A __________________________ Judas?

A __________________________ Peter?

A __________________________ Jesus?

• As you ______________ stand in the garden of sorrows, how do your ________________ and ____________________ measure up?


other sermons in this series

Jul 17


Jul 10


Jul 3


The Presence of the King

Speaker: Tom Hopewell Scripture: Luke 19:28– 20:26 Series: Be Certain: The Gospel According to Luke