
This year at Bethel, our theme is evangelism. Evangelism is just a fancy word for taking the good news of Jesus into the world. We are emphasizing evangelism in various ways, one of which is encouraging one another to develop personal plans of praying, caring, and sharing the gospel with people God has divinely placed in our lives. In the spring, we talked about different ways we can pray for those who do not know Jesus. As we enter the summer, we will move to caring for people. 

Galatians 6:10 says, “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

Let’s reflect on this verse for a few moments:

  1. Christians are to “do good” representing and reflecting our good God. We are to point people to Him calling the lost to trust Jesus. In doing good we testify of God’s grace in our own lives and show that God loves the world.
  2. God gives opportunities to do good to people. Sometimes they are in our face while other times they are subtle and could be easily missed. Sometimes God creates opportunities through us. So, let’s be looking for and creating opportunities of making much of Jesus.
  3. Finally, Christians are to treat one another as family. One of the ways Christians testify of the risen Savior is how we relate with one another. It beckons a world who longs for belonging to be a part of something that is greater than them yet gives them significance. Remember Jesus said that the world would know His disciples by the way they loved one another (John 13:35).

Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus as we seek to take His gospel into the world as a church family. Grace and peace, Pastor Matt

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