
The book of Joshua is filled with adventure, excitement, and suspense. It certainly keeps the reader engaged and reading. However, there are challenges that can arise as one reads through it. One of those challenges is dealing with the reality that God has Israel go into a land to completely conquer and annihilate numerous people groups. Questions such as “Did God condone genocide?” or “Is God just?” begin to surface in our minds and hearts. Christians ought not to run from questions like this but rather lean in and confront these challenges head on. Many good theologians and pastors throughout the centuries have devoted time, teaching, and writing addressing questions like this. Let me summarize some of the pointers that have been helpful to me in navigating these questions in Joshua.

  • God graciously gave time to the Canaanites to repent (see Genesis 15:12-16; more than 400 years!)
  • The inhabitants of the land heard of God’s power through Egypt’s humiliation and still chose to oppose God instead of repenting (see Joshua 2:8-14)
  • Israel was merely God’s instrument to punish the inhabitants of the land. It was not because Israel was more righteous or special than the other nations (see Deuteronomy 9:4-5)
  • Rahab is a testimony that God would save any who would repent and turn to Him as the one true God (James 2:15).

Keep reading the Scriptures and treasuring Jesus more and more. Grace and peace,

Pastor Matt

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