Missions Breakfast Speaker ...continued from newsletter
January 14, 2025It has been their honor to serve with Slavic Baptist Mission for the last 24 years, traveling back and forth to Ukraine, teaching and training Ukrainian Nationals in the work of the ministry. The trips into Ukraine used to last two weeks to a month and happened 4 to 5 times a year, but with the war, that started in February, 2022, that time frame has changed somewhat. Now they try to get in country as often as possible which is sometimes limited to only 1 time a year, but they prasie the Lord that the ministry of Slavic Baptist Institute continues steady. The Ukrainians have stepped up and are filling the gaps when we cannot be there.
Slavic Baptist Institute:
- Meets for four sessions a year of one week each. Two courses are taught.
- Carl teaches one course and they have another teacher for the second course. There are between 35 to 55 students per session. They travel from all over Ukraine and some of the neighboring countries.
- To graduate the students must complete a four year curriculum.
- The session consists of 6 hours per day of class room lectures with questions and answers along the way. Each course has an exam given at the next session.
- Between sessions the students are required to complete the following pretaining to the course just studied:
- Assigned reading (books) pretaining to the course just studied.
- Write Sermons and Sunday School lessons that are to be turned in at the next session.
- Give an account of their service (preaching, teaching, witnessing, camps, etc.).
Here at home Carl and Pat attend Hillcrest Baptist Church in Logansport, IN where both teach adult Sunday School classes, and Carl leads a men’s Bible Study on Saturday mornings, and they also work with the Senior Adults planning monthly activities. It is also a privilege for Carl to fill the pulpit at Hillcrest when it is necessary as well as in other churches as the need arises. It is always a privilege for him to share God’s Word with His people. They praise the Lord for His leading and directing in their lives.