Overflow areas available for Sunday Morning Worship Service @ 9:15 am. 

6 Types of Grace

Paul Tripp writes an excellent article on the 6 Types of Grace. Below is a synopsis to whet your appetite! 

You need it. You can’t live without it, but you can’t purchase it and you can’t earn it. It only ever comes by means of a gift, and when you receive it, you immediately realize how much you needed it all along, and you wonder how you could’ve lived so long without it.







So very quickly, to finish this Article, I want to give you two things to consider:

1. Your greatest problem in life exists inside you, not outside you. If you convince yourself that your problem is in your relationships, your location, or your situation, you'll quit seeking grace and you'll try to find an easy way out. But if you humbly admit that you need help, you'll become excited about the different variations of grace that God provides.

2. Stand under the common fountains of grace. By this, I mean pursue resources of grace - attend your worship service, join a Bible study or small group, make time for personal prayer and devotions, and seek counsel from older and more mature Christians. If you want to get wet with the grace of God, stand under a fountain and trust that the Lord will send the water!