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Archives for May 2016

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Real Men Love Strong Women

Real Men Love Strong WomenArticle by Paul MaxwellI've heard it too many times: "A man likes a quiet woman." "Guys don't respond well to smart girls." "Educated women are too intimidating to attract good men." I understand why we believe these things. It's a nice story. It makes sense of the success of some women to find husbands, and the failure of others. As Christians (...

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What is the church?

"The church is not a club, an organization, or a non-profit entity. The church is not just about a Sunday morning worship service. The church is a gathered people who exist by God's grace to display the glory of Jesus and testify to his goodness as he is about his work of bringing all God's prodigals home." TPW, Gloria Furman...

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May I Help You Discern Your Calling?

An excellent article by John Piper based on Matthew 28:1820Is God calling you to cross-cultural missions for the sake of the global glory of Jesus Christ? Jesus promised to be with us to the end of the age in our mission to make disciples of all ethnic groups (Matthew 28:20). So the duration of the mission is as long as the duration of the promise to the end of the age. ...

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5 Questions To Ask of a Book Before You Read It

Tim Challies has written an excellent article for our consideration entitled, 5 Questions To Ask of a Book Before You Read It. Here's a synopsis: They are far and away the most common questions I receive (beyond, perhaps, how to pronounce my nameit rhymes with "valleys"): Can you tell me anything about this author? Have you heard of this book? Is it safe to read? Sometim...

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A Mother's Prayer

Keith Kristyn Getty, Moya Brennan - A Mother's Prayer


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