What We Believe. We believe...

  • the Bible is God's Word and was written without any errors or mistakes. We believe it has the answers to life's most important questions and gives us the path to a life of joy and happiness.
  • God created the world as recorded in the book of Genesis. Because He created us He has complete authority over our lives.
  • Jesus Christ, God's Son, is fully God. We believe He also became fully man so He could bear our sins and suffer God's punishment instead of us. We believe on the cross He fully paid for our sins. We believe He rose from the dead as proof that God accepted His sacrifice for sin and now forgiveness of sins is offered as a free gift through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • in the Holy Spirit who helps us change into the kind of person God wants us to be.
  • there are real places called Heaven and Hell. We are telling everyone we can about the good news of Jesus Christ so they will spend forever in Heaven and avoid the judgment.
  • the church is to help people know, love, and serve God and each other.
  • Jesus Christ will come again to this earth as He promised, perhaps soon, and will set up His Kingdom. We can't wait to see Him!

Read our full Statement of Faith